Meadows Christian Academy utilizes the following accountability measures.
MCA is governed by an independent school board made up of a combination of parents of current MCA students (the majority of the board) and others with a passion for Christian Education.
MCA students complete Alberta Education’s provincial achievement tests.
Teachers, parents, and students anonymously complete the Alberta Education Assurance Measure surveys. The MCES board then uses the assurance measure data, as well as data derived from local measures, to inform MCA's Education Plan (posted below).
MCA is committed to meet or exceed all standards for accountability and compliance with Alberta Education.
As an independent, accredited school, MCA is subject to monitoring conducted by Alberta Education.
MCA is an accredited, independent school. As such, MCA (1) employs teachers that are certified to teach in the province of Alberta, (2) teaches the Alberta Program of Studies, and (3) adheres to provincial legislation and regulations governing independent schools.
AISCA (Association of Independent Schools and Colleges in Alberta)
MBA is an active member of AISCA. Please click
the button below for more information!
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